
Your rebellious side could come to the fore if you feel you are being held back by the actions or hesitation of another person. It may take all your strength of character to remain quiet, but it would be the best course to follow if at all possible. A quick emotional reaction now would only make matters worse, so take a deep breath and try to keep calm. A quarrel is the last thing you want, so think before you speak, or you may regret any words spoken in haste.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Harmony in your immediate surroundings is important to you so you will do everything you can to ensure things stay that way. A short trip or journey could unexpectedly bring just the right object d’art you have been looking for to enhance your home and this will bring you a great deal of pleasure - and the approval and admiration of others. Watch you don’t overdo things in your enthusiasm though or a too- impetuous purchase could make an unwelcome dent in your bank balance.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your priority now is to focus your attention on yourself, and your needs, hopes and ambitions for the future. Your mind is clear, and so you will be able to concentrate on ways of changing things for the better. Talking and networking are your strong points so draw on them now and this will help you find any information that might help you on your quest. A close associate may initially be reticent to help, but with a little persuasion, will offer their support.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Asserting yourself and articulating your needs may not come effortlessly to you, but it is what you need to do today. As Mars moves into your sign, it gives you an added tenacity and determination to achieve your aims. It is up to you to look for opportunities to affirm your wishes and make the necessary adjustments to your daily routine, but the effort will be worthwhile when you see that progressive changes are underway. Your emotions are active, so take care not to allow little annoyances to upset your equilibrium.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A cherished personal vision or dream could be fulfilled as you have the self-discipline and energy to succeed. It may require you to work hard and in solitude in order to complete the task, but this you are happy to do. At the same time, do not be too stubborn to refuse the help of a willing friend – their input could be invaluable and speed the process up tremendously. A little acknowledgement goes a long way, so remember to tell them that their help is appreciated.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Diligence and a little creative planning will lead to success and also to earning the respect of your colleagues. There are a lot of ideas and concepts you want to share with other people so make sure you present your plans in a constructive way if you want them to be eagerly received and accepted. Introducing them in an original and lively manner will ensure that those who have the power to implement your proposals will be on your side from the word go.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A quiet day unwinding in the comfort of your own home is what you long to do but this may not be easy to accomplish. Relationships here could be a little fractious, but do not worry, this is only a transient phase and with a little patience and restraint, will soon pass. The best way to deal with this present situation is to give others the space and freedom you also want for yourself. By so doing, a harmonious atmosphere will soon be restored.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your search for meaning in life leads you to pursue unusual experiences through travel study or philosophy. This stimulation to your interests could result in some extraordinary events or encounters, but do not allow yourself to become too carried away with the excitement of it all to the detriment of your close relationships. Share you new enthusiasms with a like-minded friend and the mutual fascination will not only draw you both closer together, it will also be twice as much fun.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Joint endeavours and resources are favoured now so this is not a time to isolate yourself from others. Working with other people, sharing skills, knowledge or finances could all prove to be beneficial. If for any reason this is not possible, then at least seek out the impressions and preferences of those whose opinion matters most to you. Provided you can listen to what they have to say, and you endeavour to see their point of view, it will preclude any contention carrying over to the future.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If your recent energy levels have been slightly under par, it is time to take the matter in hand to effect a positive change. Once you set your mind on a specific goal, you know you have the self-discipline to succeed, so settle upon a daily health regime and resolve to stick to it. You will soon feel the advantages - initially as you see your vitality increase, and later when you have the opportunity to express the more sensual side of your nature.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An underlying feeling of restlessness will soon be appeased if you employ a little ingenuity and inventiveness. Why not invite a friend to join you in a recreational activity that you can both enjoy - when all your energies are centred on participating in a mentally stimulating pursuit or occupation together, you will soon forget any past ennui. Not only could this be fun, but it could also strengthen your friendship and give you both an opportunity to share your hopes and dreams.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A total refurbishment of your living arrangements may require your total application, but it will be worth it. Let your imagination have free reign and allow the creative and intuitive part of your nature to hold sway. Inspiration could come from many different avenues so don’t dismiss anything as unfeasible until you have given it your undivided attention. A parent, child or lover could be very chatty and through this interaction, many new and enterprising ideas could come your way.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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