
It's St David's Day and thats the only excuse you need to have a fun night out. You're in the mood to take an intellectual risk of some kind, even if it means acknowledging your ignorance. This frank attitude will win you plenty of respect. It's hard not to admire someone who is willing to improve themselves, especially if it means putting oneself at a disadvantage. A dynamic mentor could become an important part of your life. It's inspiring to have a role model at this juncture in your life.

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All work and no play can make you a dull Bull but that's a risk you must take today. Public opinion means a lot to you, and you're eager to please friends and family. While it's gratifying to feel their approval, that doesn't mean you should compromise your values. If somebody asks you to do something that goes against your principles, decline politely but firmly. Chances are you'll win more respect from this refusal than you will for performing the variety of good deeds you have planned for today.

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A journey will open up doors galore especially if there is a Welsh connection. Your immense thirst for knowledge could lead you down an interesting path. Don't shy away from the truth, no matter how startling it may be. It's better to move forward knowing the facts than constructing a comfortable reality that is based on fantasy. Some folks find your studies disquieting, but that's only because they want to keep their heads buried in the sand. Fortunately, you prefer being informed.

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Super sexy Saturday when your passions overflow with desire; pledge yourself to love. You're very sensitive and would be wise to listen to your intuition with regard to obligations. Working to wipe out your debts takes a lot of anxiety off your shoulders. True, it may take a long time before you're completely financially independent, but at least you will have taken the first step toward your goal. Listen to any signals your body is sending. It may be time to adjust your diet.

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Being with the one you love will make St David's Day all the more special. A need for companionship forces you to subdue your ego for the immediate future. You're beginning to realize how your constant demands have put a distance between you and your loved ones. By listening more closely to their needs, you'll be able to mend any fences that were broken over the past few weeks. You may not have to make any verbal apologies. Your natural warmth and sincerity will carry the day.

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Give your health a boost by taking a break from routine and exploring something new. Being of service to others has always given you a sense of purpose and value. One of the best ways you can do this is by attending to your own emotional needs. Burying resentments is fruitless, because they tend to come out in small but hurtful ways. Approach a person whose behaviour has been upsetting you of late. By presenting your problem in a forthright manner, you can heal some internal wounds.

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Pick one or two things that bring you joy and spend the whole day enjoying them! Your love life has put you on an emotional roller coaster. Usually, you pride yourself on being a fairly balanced person. Today's amorous circumstances may make you feel as though you're completely off kilter. Instead of fighting these waves of emotion let them wash over you. At some point you need to fully experience your feelings, no matter how frightening or powerful they are.

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A quiet family day is best, or at least spend time at home rather than mixing with crowds. It's always easier to make cash when you feel relaxed and contented, and today is proof of that. There is no point in pursuing a job just because it pays a lot of money. You're better off doing what you love, because enthusiasm is a natural magnet for wealth. As a person who has strong passions, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a hobby that you could convert into a profitable business.

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Being part of the in-crowd can be exhausting so select your Saturday company with care. Your love of people draws you to a variety of intriguing social situations, all of which are engaging. If you overhear an interesting conversation, jot it down or store it away. You could integrate this dialogue into furthering your own cause. Drawing a shy person out of their shell could prove challenging - so ask yourself why you're bothering. If there's a reason like you feel sorry for them or fancy them, fine, but if not leave them alone.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Purchasing household or family items is okay today as you'll get it at a knock down price. Taking cues from your intuition will be inspired; pay no attention to conventional wisdom. A chance will arrive to pursue a spiritual or psychic odyssey that's been pulling you. Onlookers may be surprised at what you're doing, but you of all people don't need to defend your behaviour. If somebody starts asking nosy questions remain enigmatic and coat yourself with an air of mystery. You have a right to privacy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An involvement in a compassionate venture will win you friends-a-plenty. You're in an outgoing mood that puts you into contact with a variety of interesting people. Although you're usually reluctant to share your innermost feelings with folks, you might find yourself blurting out your emotions to complete strangers. This could come as a relief. After all, you can't be expected to remain completely impassive to the changes that are going on all around you. Speak up now, or forever hold your peace!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A psychic message is trying to get through watch out for odd happenings at home. You prefer to keep a low profile today, shunning big gatherings and intimate meetings alike. A sensitive person like you needs to distance yourself from the public from time to time, because you soak up emotions like a sponge. Devote your energies to a creative project that gives you pleasure. Solitude can restore your energies and help you remember your sense of humour. Keep the phone off the hook as silence is golden.

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